

I was talking with my mom on the phone this afternoon, just having a short conversation while I was working on unloading the dishwasher.  I had just checked on my nearly 1-year old son, Kellan, not moments before.  He was playing sweetly, “vroom-vrooming” his truck around the living room floor.  I walked back around to the kitchen (which is open to the living room, but separated by a bar) to finish unloading the silverware.  After only a few minutes, I make my way back into the living room to check on my daughter and see if she needs any more juice, and what do I see?!

Kellan, sitting on the carpeted floor near the couch, playing in a massive pile of poop!  Yes, I said, “POOP.”  There was yellow-mustard-colored, stinky, smelly poo-poo all over my carpet…and my couch…and his toys…and himself!  He managed to spread it everywhere!  Including his arms, legs, toes, eyebrows, and hair…  Wow…

I ran him upstairs and swiftly deposited him into the bathtub, then, very carefully, removed what was left of his diaper and proceeded to wash him thoroughly…  Then, I went back downstairs and spent the next half hour, scrubbing the carpet with almost an entire bottle of Resolve.  Whew!

To say the least, that was not what I was expecting when I came around the corner to ask Kassia about her apple juice!  😉

Thank goodness for steam cleaners!

Busy, busy, busy!


A few happenings within the last few weeks:

  • Both of my kids have been sick on and off.  Kellan had an ear infection, then a sinus infection, so he’s been taking multiple antibiotics.  And, Kassia had some kind of cold or something with a fever that kept her out of school for a week, and then had the beginnings of “pink eye,” which we caught with some antibiotic eye drops before it got any worse.  Poor kids!
  • On top of already not feeling too well from being sick, Kellan’s teething.  He’s miserable!  I can’t tell which teeth will be coming in first, those on the top or the bottom, but he sure is having a rough time!
  • I’ve had some pretty crazy tests to have to study for…and take!  Yuck!
  • Scott’s started his new job, working full-time as an energy rater for an insulation company.  He has a two-week training class that he’s attending right now, so we don’t see him much…and when he is here, he’s asleep.
  • On the more exciting side, my mom, Kassia, and I had a “girls’ day” and went to see the Broadway musical, “Mary Poppins,” at the Majestic this past weekend, and it was fantastic!  Kassia was SO excited!  Her eyes were like saucers as she watched the show on stage!  She sang along with some of the songs and clapped and clapped!  She really enjoyed it!  Thanks, Mom!  🙂
  • Also, I’ve been working through my “Jonah” Bible study, and I think I’ve made some small discoveries.  But, more to come on that later…

Just one of those days…


I really had “just one of those days” today…

Didn’t sleep well last night, for the fourth night in a row…got up early to study for my exam…rushed around trying to get everything and everyone packed up and in the car to head to my parents’ house for breakfast…ran from there to drop Kassia off at her school…and got back in the car and zoomed over to my school, which I arrived at with just enough time to park, catch the shuttle bus, hoof it across campus, and make it into my seat, just as the professor was handing out our tests…only to realize that I didn’t have my calculator…suffered through that exam and turned it in just moments before class was over…left class and paused briefly to call my mom and relay my anxious and sick feelings from taking the test…then, went to my next class, where I feel completely lost and overwhelmed by all the information the professor is giving out and expecting us to know…yes, expecting us to know for Thursday, when I have my next test…sat through another long class, leaving confused and arriving at the shuttle bus stop in just enough time to not make it on the bus, forcing me to walk the long distance all the way back to my car in the heat…ate my wilted sandwich in the car, on the way back to my mom’s house…went and picked Kassia up from school…went with my dad to the grocery store…dropped him and the groceries off and headed home…had barely gotten in the door when it was time to feed Kellan his dinner, make dinner for everyone else, sit down and eat, get the kids ready for bed, put Kassia to bed, nurse Kellan, put Kassia back in bed after going to the bathroom…and again…and again…and again…(there’s no way her bladder contains anything else at this point!)…until I was finally able to take a hot shower and sit down for a minute…………….

And, I do this just about every Tuesday and Thursday…


Now, I’m going to go to sleep.  Yes, it’s only 9:15pm, but I’m hoping that:  (1) if I sleep now and actually sleep through the night, I’ll be more likely to wake up and get up when I set my alarm for “o’dark thirty” tomorrow, and (2) if I sleep now and actually sleep through the night, I’ll be able to function tomorrow.  So, here’s to hoping…

What time is it?


I’ve been up since before 5am this morning.  Kellan woke up around 4:45am, fussing, hungry, and with a wet diaper that needed to be changed.  Poor little guy – he’s having a rough time with this cold.  His nose’s all stuffy, and it makes it hard to breathe, let alone nurse.  Just as I’ve about got him back into bed, I hear a “thump, thump” from next door.  Sure enough, Kassia’s up.  I look around the corner, and there she is – up and out of bed, telling me she’s thirsty and needs to go to the bathroom.  So, I finish nursing Kellan, put him in his crib, help Kassia go “potty,” get her some water, and get her tucked back in…only to return to my room, where my “early alarm” is already going off, so I can get up and do homework and study.  Lovely…

And, this is a typical morning for me!  😉

So, how much studying do you think I really got accomplished this morning?

Just thinking that…

  • I’d really like to sleep through the night tonight.
  • I wish I could eat my “usual” amount of ice cream, covered in chocolate sauce and caramel, and smothering a giant, fudgy brownie, and not gain any weight.
  • Instead of having to read my next history chapter, I could just absorb all the information by osmosis.
  • The weather really needs to cool down sometime soon.
  • I’m interested to see where this new Bible study leads.
  • There definitely needs to be more hours in the day.
  • I miss my brother…

Fandango Announces Breaking Dawn Ticket Sales for Part 1 | Twilight Lexicon


Fandango Announces Breaking Dawn Ticket Sales for Part 1 | Twilight Lexicon.

Can I just say that I’m so super excited about this?!  It’s coming!  It’s coming!  And, it’ll be here soon!  Oh, I’m counting down the days!

And, I’ve been listening to all three soundtracks on and off again lately…they’re really so good…  In fact, my sweet 3 1/2 year old girl asked me today:

“Mommy, can we listen to some more of that Team Edward stuff?”

Love it…


Favorite Flip Flops


Did you ever have that one pair of shoes that you just absolutely love? You know, the pair that you wear nearly everyday with every outfit… The shoes that have essentially molded to the shape of your foot because you wear them everyday with every outfit… Yes, well, that favorite pair of mine – my brown Reef sandals – is on its last limb string.  The part that fits between your toes has shredded to a thin string, and that’s all that’s now holding that shoe to my foot.  It’s truly a sad day!  My father jokingly offered to let me use some of his brown duct tape to “fix” the problem…  I guess it’s just finally time to go out and buy a new pair.  I know it’s going to take forever to “break them in,” though.  And, what about the old pair?  Can I really just throw them away?!  Maybe they should just sit in my closet for a while…they can be a shining example to the new pair of what “shoe greatness” should look like…  (well, minus the shredding)



Over this past Labor Day weekend, I’ve had the privelege of having one of my girlfriends from my hometown…in town.  Here.  Near me.  Getting to see her smile…feel her hugs…hear her laugh…and be blessed by her prayers.  I was trying to remember the last time I’d really seen her.  I think it’s probably been close to 10 years.  So long…  Too long!  And, yet, we can still talk like we’d seen each other just last week.  It’s different now, sure.  I mean, we’re older…wiser…we’ve moved on with our lives and are in different seasons now.  But, we’re still just a couple of Christian girls, who went to the same high school…who even rode the bus together on our first day of our freshman year.  I’m so glad God blessed me with such special friends…especially, such precious “sisters.”

“Thank You, Lord, for giving me such a sweet gift in the FRIENDSHIP of this beautiful young lady…and all the other Christian women You’ve put into my path.  Their hearts are so amazing!  And, their love for You is so big!  They encourage me and amaze me…  Help them to know, Lord, just how much You love them…and how much I appreciate them.  Amen.”