Just one of those days…


I really had “just one of those days” today…

Didn’t sleep well last night, for the fourth night in a row…got up early to study for my exam…rushed around trying to get everything and everyone packed up and in the car to head to my parents’ house for breakfast…ran from there to drop Kassia off at her school…and got back in the car and zoomed over to my school, which I arrived at with just enough time to park, catch the shuttle bus, hoof it across campus, and make it into my seat, just as the professor was handing out our tests…only to realize that I didn’t have my calculator…suffered through that exam and turned it in just moments before class was over…left class and paused briefly to call my mom and relay my anxious and sick feelings from taking the test…then, went to my next class, where I feel completely lost and overwhelmed by all the information the professor is giving out and expecting us to know…yes, expecting us to know for Thursday, when I have my next test…sat through another long class, leaving confused and arriving at the shuttle bus stop in just enough time to not make it on the bus, forcing me to walk the long distance all the way back to my car in the heat…ate my wilted sandwich in the car, on the way back to my mom’s house…went and picked Kassia up from school…went with my dad to the grocery store…dropped him and the groceries off and headed home…had barely gotten in the door when it was time to feed Kellan his dinner, make dinner for everyone else, sit down and eat, get the kids ready for bed, put Kassia to bed, nurse Kellan, put Kassia back in bed after going to the bathroom…and again…and again…and again…(there’s no way her bladder contains anything else at this point!)…until I was finally able to take a hot shower and sit down for a minute…………….

And, I do this just about every Tuesday and Thursday…


Now, I’m going to go to sleep.  Yes, it’s only 9:15pm, but I’m hoping that:  (1) if I sleep now and actually sleep through the night, I’ll be more likely to wake up and get up when I set my alarm for “o’dark thirty” tomorrow, and (2) if I sleep now and actually sleep through the night, I’ll be able to function tomorrow.  So, here’s to hoping…

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